Home Forums Silicon Valley Study Tour – August 2019 Emilia Romagna Silicon Valley 2019

19 replies, 9 voices Last updated by Kalilu Dibba 4 years, 11 months ago
  • Paolo Marenco

    This discussion Forum is for the interested  students  and researchers from Bologna and Emilia Romagna Universities to attend Silicon Valley Study Tour  August  2019.  This Forum is also open to professional and startupper eager to spend that  amazing week in the  World “Top Niche” of  Technology and Innovation  development .

    Top Mentor in Silicon Valley come from this region: Francesco Capponi and Sara Felicita Amanzi two young top, working in Linkedin!

    This Forum will be moderated by Lorenzo Daidone, SVST 2018- with successfull crowdfunding.

    Here the students, professionals and sturtuppers have to introduce theirselves, their studies, experiences, trips, goal with the attendance to the Silicon Valley Study Tour.

    End of March  2019 we will evaluate your discussion and Linkedin page to evaluate your eligibility to attend the Tour.

    We are happy to launch this discussion Forum with the report written by Pavia University student Lara Princivalle , great attendee of SVST 2015, now working in Trento, after the degree in Pavia.

    Finally, read  what the attendee Fabio Vantaggiato Business Grad of Milano Bicocca University,   kept from the experience of SVST 2018. He’s working now in TAG Calabiana, Milano.

    Are you interested to join the SVST 2019 Tour?

    introduce yourself here!

    Lorenzo Daidone

    Hi everybody!

    I’m Lorenzo Daidone, I attended the Silicon Valley Study Tour this summer. This experience changed my life and my career.
    I would like to share with you my crowdfunding story. When I was selected to partecipate in the experience I was really excited but I wasn’t able to pay it…but in the end I went to California!

    For many of you the crowdfunding way could be a good opportunity.

    How did I do? Find out more at: https://youtu.be/eY5UxCM_Ras

    Diego D’Anselmo

    Hi everyone!

    My name is Diego D’Anselmo, I’m 23 years old and I was born in Ascoli Piceno. I live in Bologna, where I study at the master course “Plant biotechnology and productions” and I’ll choose the specialization in management the next year.
    I studied agriculture also in the high school and I’ve always been passionate about technology; these two topics meet in agriculture 3.0/4.0 and I study to become an expert. I’ve always seen America as a source of stimulation because in Italy there’s still a conservative mentality that doesn’t spread the technology within the primary sector.
    I don’t like to limit my studies only on economy and agriculture, so I’m introducing myself in the marketing dynamics (for a few years) and programming languages (this year).

    I like reading books, Yuval Harari and Ray Kurzweil are my favorite authors in this last period. If I have free time I also watching TV series; Mr. Robot, Black Mirror and Westworld are the best that I seen until now. But I like also “Silicon Valley”, a funny and interesting tv series about the startup’s daily background. Moreover I’m a rap fan since middle school so I like to follow last drops by rap scene.
    Having followed and studied tech news for years from the other side of the ocean has made me fall in love with Silicon Valley, a place with a concentration of intelligence, research and investment like nowhere in the world. This experience would give me the opportunity to put into practice all the words read on magazines or on a screens during these years.

    Thanks Lorenzo for the advice. I watched your video and i respect you very much, I will certainly take the way of crowdfunding. But I think it’s very important to have a goal and to rely on my self. So I will start to be a waiter during the weekend and I hope to be chosen to work in the faculty library through the scholarship. Although I’m not sure that I will be selected for SVST I want to commit myself to this goal and to create a savings fund for this possible experience.

    I looking forward to discuss about the topics here,

    See you soon!

    Paolo Marenco

    Diego, amazing your goal…we do want to bring you with us.

    Happy to invite you to attend our SVST 2018 Reunion  in Milano on Dec 18th , 3 pm, where you can hear about us and the next Silicon Valley  Study Tour.

    We’ll be from Milano, Genova, Verbania, Novara…..and You!

    Hope to meet you there!

    Diego D’Anselmo

    Uh, the reunion will be on the same day of The Boring Company’s tunnel inauguration at Los Angeles!
    Anyway, I will be there for sure! Thank you very much for the invite, this will be a good opportunity also to know better you all.

    Paolo Marenco

    Hy guys , I give you a project to  comment on its page. Michele Cipollone , Genoa guy studying in UAL  ( University of Arts of London) selected to attend the SVST August 2019, launched this project with a team,  selected among the best 30 by the European Commission.

    According to the quality of the comments they  will receive from the net within January 20, 2019, Michele will have the possibility to be selected as the first 5 projects that will attend to an Event in Brussels with top people of European Parliament.

    Big challenge for Michele! You can comment the project straight on its presentation, putting the comment also here!

    have nice Holidays!

    Diego D’Anselmo

    Hi Paolo,

    I think that we will go toward a future where technology will give more participation to citizens; overall citizens will have a greater technological awareness and they will want to participate more and more. This project would follow this trend very well.
    As always, games are an attractive ideas for people and can convince citizens to approach to get closer to the politics world and governement decisions.
    As written in another comment bloew the project presentation, this project reminds me a social experiment started in China where many citizens had a social valutation based on their virtual registered behaviors. The aim of this game is different, but from the player’s actions data could be record to make decisions or forecasts made by governments. (Also we have to understand the future EU attitude with data).
    But it is also true that today we don’t know the impact that the introduction of VR can have on society.

    I’m also asking if the time in the virtual game runs at the same speed of reality, apart from this question I would like to congratulate the team of this fantastic idea.

    Simona Borghi

    Good Diego!

    You are the first student already on board on Silicon Valley  Study Tour 2019 from Bologna University!

    Diego D’Anselmo

    Thank you so much for the trust and the opportunity that you gave me!

    Having proposed myself autonomously for the SVST selection allowed me to take part in this amazing future experience but didn’t let me participate to discussions on interesting proposed subjects. However, I read all the other participants’ exchanges of opinion to make up for it.
    I hope to be helpful in the future in order to spread the SVST selection in the University of Bologna.



    Sono Moussa  Molla Salih. Vengo dal Benin, ho 21 anni sono qui in Italia da 2015. Sono arrivato a nel gennaio del 2015 poi a marzo dello stesso anno ho iniziato a fare teatro cioè recitare con la compagnia ” Cantieri Meticci ” nel mentre facevo anche la scuola di 200 ore poi dopo mi sono iscritto alla terza media e contemporaneamente alle superiori. Nel 2016 abbiamo creato una piccola compagnia chiamata ( Shebbab Met Project ) con la quale abbiamo vinto il premio scenario Ustica per infanzia a Santarcangelo di Romagna a luglio 2017. In realtà questa è la mia vera passione fare attore nella vita perciò ho provato a collaborare con alcune compagnie come ‘Impronte’ una compagnia di danza contemporanea di Alma Bologna con la quale siamo andati ad esibire a Francoforte, a Darmstadt. Allo stesso momento lavoro la mattina par time in modo di poter studiare. Dall’anno scorso sto facendo i corsi serali all’istituto tecnico di Manfredi tanari e mi diplomo quest’estate.

    lamine sadio


    My name is Lamine and I am from Senegal
    I graduated in Dakar and I wanted to continue my studies in Canada. As the university accepted my application, I had to face the embassy, which required a financial status I didn’t have to grant a visa
    That was the main reason why I decided to migrate to Europe
    After having travelled through African states and having been in Libya I finally landed in Italy, and almost immediately moved to Bologna
    Since then, I dedicated myself to learning the Italian social system, taking much of the time to improve the knowledge of the language. Acknowledging the importance of communication, I’ve chosen from the very beginning to make the most of my social relation and cultural exchanges in order to being able to fully express myself and my skills
    I’ve gained several experiences in different professional sectors, recently getting the qualification as a careworker, working as well as an interpreter and attending a course of videomaking
    I am highly interested in learning more about video production, a passion that I cultivate in my free time with aims of social promotion and intercultural exchange

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by lamine sadio.

    My Name is Badreldin I come from SUDAN I am 26 years old , I live in Bologna Italy almost 4 years , I am working asCNC operator automation from 2018 intel Now .I learned in SUDAN intel the first year in university of Nyala south Darfur Stead .
    I love technology for long time a go .
    * • 2017 Operator of tourism promotion and reception at Astoria Hotel, Bologna Italy srl. Activities: reception, client bookings, secretariat. Bartender. Internship.
    * Computer technician at Tawfee Technical Group, Nyala Darfur, Sudan Activities: installation, configuration, management, maintenance and repair of computers and communications equipment
    * • 2012/2013: IT technician at El Ruham For Development and Humanitarian Aid. Nyala, South Darfur, Sudan Activities: installation, configuration, management, maintenance and repair of computers and communications equipment
    * • 2010/2014: IT technician (freelancer) at Nyala, South Darfur, Sudan
    Activities: installation, configuration, management, maintenance and repair of computers and communications equipment.
    Thank so much
    You have a good day

    Bah Abdoul Khadre


    Sono Bah Abdoul Khadre . Vengo dalla Guinea Conakry , ho 22 anni sono in Italia da 2016. Sono arrivato nel’Augusto del 2016, poi a ottobre ho iniziato a imparare la lingua italiana ho iniziato anche a fare teatro con la compagnia ” Cantieri Meticci ” nel mentre facevo degli varie attività, corsi per la lingua, dopo mi sono iscritto alla terza media e dopo aver conseguito il diploma mi sono scritto alle superiori . Nel 2018 abbiamo creato un progetto di realizzazione di video dov’è parliamo degli stereotipi, problemi di vita degli stranieri in Italia. Il nome del canale è ( HOREFELO SULL’UMANITA ) con casa di produzione (Nemila_production) . Sono molto appassionato del cinema cioè fare l’attore ho iniziato con teatro e ora i video su YouTube e l’obiettivo e di poter girare degli film per trasmettere alla nuova generazione cioè che viviamo, con le nostre storie, ovviamente con la casa di realizzazione (Nemila_production).Questa è la mia vera passione fare attore nella vita. Allo stesso tempo lavoro come mediatore culturale la mattina in modo di poter studiare.

    Cordiali saluti :


    lamine sadio


    Hello everyone!

    I am 27 years old. I came in Italy in September 2016 and have been living in Bologna since then. When I was in my country I spoke my mother tongue and French. But when I came to Italy I started speaking English and learning Italian, and from that moment on I understood what the essential means are to integrate in a new society.

    Everyone that needs to assimilate in a foreign place must cultivate many skills. One of the meaning of integration is giving each person the possibility to independently express himself and to have a peer to peer communication with others. For this reason, the contact with locals is highly important.

    In two years, I took many chances to develop myself: I did at first volunteering, I took part in a theatre project and in another one dedicated to the empowerment of migrants. These experiences have changed me a lot and helped me raising my self-esteem.

    One of my goals is to defend the African culture and to give to the African youth access to different realities and to provide them with a truthful knowledge of western societies, which are often mystified by media and an extreme one-sided narration. Another objective is indeed to give young Africans the awareness to be narrators of themselves.

    The limits of media representation and social perception of migration also come from the lack of self-narration. Those who live in first person this experience should be given a voice, to spread awareness about their background, their motivations and to provide the community with a deeper understanding of the whole system and each one’s responsibility.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by lamine sadio.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by lamine sadio.


    ….mentre sto cercando di diplomarmi in turismo frequentando i corsi serali, lavorare la mattina presso la comunità dei minori non accompagnati. Da luglio 2017 fino a marzo 2019 con cooperativa Camelot che è diventata CIDAS poi da aprile col Ceis dove ho il contratto fino a dicembre dell’anno in corso.

    Avendo acquisito esperienze diverse e ho ancora sete di acquisirne altre colgo calorosamente questo progetto. Pare, sarà senz’altro un opportunità che mi/ci potrebbe essere una via di mezzo per le nostre passioni. Personalmente penso di poter incontrare persone o  avere qualche studio approfondito su come riuscire ad arrivare nel mio ambiente.

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