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  • Marco Lanteri

    As Andrea, Andrea and Jeff mentioned, employees’ smiles are an indicator that their company really takes into account their satisfaction and well-being. Of course, workers’ strong passion in their jobs plays a big role, too. I feel like perks and benefits are a good way to offer an enticing working experience. However, what actually prevents talented people from going to other companies is something more profound.

    Just like in human relationships, a strong bond between a company and its employees builds on trust and respect. Excellent work has to be recognised and rewarded and the formation of teams of connected people, even outside the office, has to be encouraged. Everyone should be assigned challenging yet doable tasks, giving them a feeling of importance and membership to their workplace. Last but not least, salary is an undoubtedly important aspect for most workers.

    On balance, I reckon managing well these elements is the most effective way to avoid losing talented people to some other company offering more lavish perks.

    Marco Lanteri

    Hi Lorenzo!

    I’ve always been fascinated by cryptocurrencies, but I’ve never invested in them.
    I’m not planning on doing so in the near future, since I feel like it’s a very unsafe investment.
    While some people undoubtedly made a fortune with little to no knowledge in finance by just buying some Bitcoins at the right moment,
    others have lost just as much due to incorrect timing.

    However, what really intrigues me is the system operating behind cryptocurrencies, namely the blockchain.
    Here’s a very interesting video explaining the concept.

    Another matter of interest is how Bitcoins and other similar currencies are created, or “mined”.
    As you mentioned, when the crypto boom began, people used GPUs to do so.
    The blockchain is set up in a way to keep the time needed to mine a block approximately constant, despite advancements in technology (and in computing performance).
    As a consequence, GPUs became outdated quite quickly in this field and more efficient hardware was needed for profitable mining.
    FPGAs were used for a while, but nowadays every serious Bitcoin miner buys or designs application specific integrated circuits (ASICs), like this one.

    If I were to invest in “cryptos”, I’d probably buy a mining rig rather than just trading.

    In that case, my ROI would strongly depend on the cost of electricity, which unfortunately is quite high here in Italy.

    As for GPUs, they may still turn out to be useful to mine newer cryptocurrencies, for which ASICs do not exist yet.
    The drawback in this case would be the possible failure of the currency.

    What do you think?

    See you soon!


    Marco Lanteri

    Hi everyone!

    I’m Marco Lanteri, I’m attending the second year of Electronic Engeneering (IETI) in Genoa. I’m very passionate about science, technology, programming and mathematics. Speaking of which, I run a math-related channel on YouTube, called “Zero Punti” with my friend and “co-founder” Lorenzo Carpaneto.

    I am also fond of entrepreneurship and personal development.

    I discovered the opportunity of the SVST thanks to ISICT (Istituto superiore di Information and Communication Technologies) which I was part of last year. On top of that, my friend Lorenzo Daidone encouraged me to take part in the Tour, as he participated last year and found it extremely valuable for the development of his startup Estro. In September, I also had the chance to meet Paolo Marenco at Coffee Tech and learn a lot more about the experience, including career stories of some of its participants.

    Needless to say, I was hooked! 😀


    Regarding Elon Musk and his fight against the SEC, I hope my opinion is not too biased, since I consider myself an Elon Musk’s fan.

    On the one hand, I understand his concern about making Tesla private: Elon seems to enjoy having extensive control over all his companies, by keeping the position of CEO, despite owning so many businesses. This is further underlined in his biography by Ashlee Vance “Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future”, where the author states that Elon fought to remain CEO of (one of his first businesses) and still wants to keep SpaceX private to this day. These facts show how Elon is not just a greedy businessman but also someone who deeply cares about solving important issues (space exploration, revolutionizing the paying system and – speaking of Tesla – accelerating the transition towards renewable energy sources).

    On the other hand, the way he handled this situation looked somewhat sketchy, as by stating in his tweet: “Am considering taking Tesla private at $420. Funding secured”, he made TSLA stocks soar by nearly 6%, earning him (20% shareholder) approximately 1.1 billion dollars that same day.

    From my understanding, one of the core legal issues with his message was that he made such an important disclosure without filing any official paperwork to let all his shareholders know at the same time. In addition, the alleged secured funding is believed by SEC not to be that secured, but only based on Musk’s predictions.

    Again, being an Elon supporter, I feel sorry for the consequences he’s facing now. However, I think a legal sanction was needed to protect the investors, who, after all, are those who make Tesla mission possible through their funding.

    What do you think?

    Bye for now. See you at Manager 4.0!

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Marco Lanteri

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Active 4 years, 10 months ago